Home hand therapy across southern Ontario
Hand Network is a registered occupational therapy service providing skilled hand therapy, consultation, and fabrication of customized thermoplastic splints.
Meet Pam Ball30+ years of experience - you'll work personally with Pam Ball, OT Reg. (Ont.)
Flexible schedule - hand therapy available weekends, afternoons, and evenings
Clear billing - insurance claims (if applicable) are handled efficiently.
Expertise in hand therapy
With over 30 years of experience, Pam Ball is Hand Network's dedicated occupational therapist. Apart from providing hand therapy and custom splints, Pam is Adjunct Clinical Professor at McMaster University.

Photo: Pam Ball in Kyiv, Ukraine on medical mission with the Canada-Ukraine Foundation

We provide home Hand Therapy in Hamilton, Burlington, Oakville, Milton, Brantford, Mississauga, Grimsby, St. Catharines, Niagara and the surrounding regions!
Write to us, or call (905) 966-0097. We endeavour to respond to all inquiries as fast as possible.