Home Hand Therapy
Hand therapy is a specialized area of practice for occupational therapists or physiotherapists who have a keen interest in helping to restore or maximize an individual’s function as it relates to the upper limb.

Complete Hand Assessment
A thorough assessment of the hand or upper limb by a qualified therapist is vital to providing you with the optimal treatment.

Hand Splint Provision
Provision of custom-fabricated thermoplastic splint; usually fabricated and completed during first visit.

Hand Therapy & Consultation
Whether you require a single visit for consultation and recommendations for a home program or ongoing therapy, Hand Network can meet your needs.
“The hand is the visible part of the brain.”
— Immanuel Kant
Our hands are intricate, complex structures that we use to interact with our environment and with each other. They allow us to work, play, care for ourselves and others, and create. We rely on an exact balance between a complex network of bones and soft tissue receiving and providing constant messages from the brain in order to function. When that balance is lost through injury or disease, we loose the capacity for optimal function.
Hand therapy is a specialized area of practice for occupational therapists or physiotherapists who have a keen interest in helping to restore or maximize an individual’s function as it relates to the upper limb.
The Hand Certification Commission of the American Society of Hand Therapists defines hand therapy as follows:
Hand therapy is the art and science of rehabilitation of the upper limb, which includes thehand, wrist, elbow, and shoulder girdle. It is a merging of occupational therapy and physicaltherapy theory and practice that combines comprehensive knowledge of the structure of theupper limb with function and activity. Using specialized skills and assessment, planning andtreatment, hand therapists provide therapeutic interventions to prevent dysfunction, restorefunction and/or reverse the progression of pathology of the upper limb in order to enhance anindividual’s ability to execute tasks and participate fully in life situations.
Common conditions
Common conditions requiring hand therapy and seen by Hand Network include the following:
- DeQuervain's tendonitis
- Carpal tunnel syndrome
- Repetitive strain injuries
- Stroke (CVA)
- Neurologic hands
- Ligament injuries
- Trigger fingers
- Dupuytren's release
- Mallet fingers
- Fractures
- Nerve injuries
- Tendon repairs
- Burns
- Stiffness or contractures
- Osteoarthritis
Cities served
We provide all hand therapy services in your home on your schedule. We can provide hand therapy in Hamilton, Burlington, Oakville, Guelph, Brantford, St. Catharines, Niagara and all surrounding regions.
Comprehensive Hand Therapy Services
Comprehensive Hand Assessment
Splints Fabricated During Visit
Complete Patient Education
Simple Adaptations for Activities
Improving Range of Motion
Tips on Reducing Swelling
Joint Protection
Hand Therapy Consultation
Hand Strengthening Exercises
Scar Management Instruction
Custom Thermoplastic Splints
And many more OT services...